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This Is A MOVEMENT That's Not Even MOVING!!! - Social Proof HOT SEAT #30

Writer's picture: David ShandsDavid Shands

Record label lacks direction and artists.

This HOT SEAT episode reveals a record label that lacks direction and artists. Jeffrey Pierre-Louis explains that the record label has been launched for three years but does not have any artists signed. This lack of artists raises questions about the purpose and effectiveness of the label.

David expresses skepticism about the record label's approach. They question the logic behind starting a record label with no artists and taking a slow approach. The interviewer wonders why the label has not made any progress in three years and challenges the interviewee's explanation that it is a deliberate design choice.

Jeffrey, who is also the only artist on the label, defends their decision and justifies it by stating that they wanted to focus on themselves first and build a case study. They explain that they have experience in marketing and can help other artists with various aspects of their career, such as recording sessions, music videos, and cover art. However, they emphasize that their main focus is on their own journey and becoming a successful artist.

David Shands continues to question the interviewee's readiness to work with other artists. They challenge the interviewee's claim that the label is a movement and argue that it lacks recognition and influence in the music industry. Jeffrey Pierre-Louis tries to defend their position by mentioning specific individuals and places where the label is known, but the interviewer remains unconvinced.

Based on the podcast transcript, it is clear that the record label lacks direction and artists. His explanation for the lack of artists and slow progress seems questionable and does not inspire confidence in the label's potential success. His focus on their own journey and lack of commitment to working with other artists further reinforces the perception that the label lacks direction.

In conclusion, the HOT SEAT highlights the challenges and shortcomings of a record label that lacks direction and artists. The interviewee's explanations and justifications for the label's slow progress do not seem convincing, and the lack of commitment to working with other artists raises concerns about the label's long-term viability. Without a clear vision and a roster of talented artists, the record label may struggle to establish itself as a significant player in the music industry.



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